Sunday 18 March 2018

I am not a psychopath, I am a Highly Functioning Socio-path.

Sherlock Homes is quite a famed fictional characters created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, There are many more characters created by the author but there is something that makes Sherlock homes phenomenal. This character engulfed me into a prominent desire of knowing how human brain can have the ability of processing ten times faster than any super computer. After doing some research on him I found he had this inevitable trait which is prominent throughout his journey in solving case. Few of the best known cases dealt by him that depicts astounding observatory skills are The Abominable Bride, The Adventure of the Dancing Men (1903) .Well the trait dramatized by this character projects salient features of quite a focused person. Throughout the novel the author mentions “He doesn’t look, he observes…”- And the more he observes, the more he has clarity in making decisions and assumptions. So Therefore Observation is something different than looking, the character has this extravagantly persuasive trait that makes him conclude to something observatory details and

Observation skills and the mindfulness and you will have it all. This character teaches us a lot ,The way author defines him , impersonates that the concept of mindfulness that has encapsulated him, Once he is doing stuff , he only does that stuff ,and within that lies his greatness and secondly he is quite a keen observer.
                                         “To look is to forget, to observe is to remember”.  
                     Hope to see Sherlock Homes character come to life @Christ University.

Sunday 10 December 2017

Is it the Skill or the Will

 While we were kid and we use to go to school, in class we were segregated from the once who were exceptionally good. What made the “exceptionally good” that Good? Well, there is a Metrix that from a handful of students picked up randomly somehow the 75% come under the Average students of the class, where as some 10% in below Average and just some 8-10% in Above average and 5-6% who are extraordinarily good. Their grades are like endless spring, it is just a graph with no much variations, a higher end parallel lines thru the years. Their skill sets are massive and everyone adores them. So what these people have that we average people lacked? Was it the skill or the will? Well, with my own experience I learnt one can develop a skill, but to have a will to develop the skill is quite a question mark. Once we are determined, even the sky is not a limit then. However, the WILL, DETERMINATION, FOCUS and all other Big words don’t enter your life so easily, you need to have a pretty good mindset for attaining it. For some people it may take four to five weeks for others six to seven months, but once you have that mind set you are unstoppable, You enter into the loop of competence and confidence and hence forth everything is achievable.
Just remember it’s not the SKILL it’s just the WILL. 

Thursday 2 March 2017

Is Machine replacing man?

While in 19th century computer came into existence , the purpose of computers was yet unknown. It was a machine used for computations, later it was a machine that not only did complex calculations but also stored data, and ever since then the field of computer science is booming. And now when we talk about the flourish of technology in 21st century we talking about Automation, Descriptive and predictive systems,  also image processing and many other fields of machine learning and on a whole Artificial intelligence. There was a time when a bunch of people sat in a room and did data entry and that was quite a rigorous task, but now it is done by machines , and yes it saves a lot of time and manual efforts, and somehow is also unerring. I recently did a project on automating a website, and it saved up to four hours of manual data entry per day. Well, isn’t that amazing? That night I sat and I was thinking soon I see a lot of computers around me  than people. Well, I believe that if we keep on going at this pace soon there will be machines building machines. There will be machine who will know things better and have knowledge far more than a man can possess. But what you think people like us will do then?

Monday 21 September 2015

First speech @ CHRIST UNIVERSITY .... ;-)

They say words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity, now if we use the words constructively then they are encouragement but at the same time if we use them destructively the can cause pain and despair.
Words have energy they have power, they have the ability to
Words are the most powerful drug used by mankind. But when u write these words down they are your ideas, your thoughts, and your opinions.
Now it depends on you would you like to share it or would you like to explore it even further?
And when we are talking about sharing and exploring we are talking about INFOBHAN - a magazine to share and explore
Infobahn is a collection of elegant at the same time striking articles written by various faculties’ alumina and students.
It’s the sublime way to depict the diligent efforts put in by the department of computer science to come up with the 19th volume 1st issue of the magazine. The editorial team has included various genre of
Articles from science fictions to a peek in the future.

The design team has chosen this year’s gateways theme as “Nexus” Experience the journey and so it is for the magazine and therefore it includes the evolution of technologies to its extremities.

The main aim of the magazine is not to have a plethora of articles but to motivate people to add quality to the periodical by their words ideas and opinions at the same time keep us up to date with the latest technologies and hot topics in the industry.
I wish the 19th volume of infobahn brings along a lot of information and motivation for you all
I request our chief guest to release the magazine.

Tuesday 15 September 2015


We claim to be highly respectable people in the society with level of knowledge the highest we can achieve , We are Modest we claim to be very understanding and loving but still like Illitrates We are ready to sell our children at the highest price - India


Getting back to the Paleolithic age when man existed but not humanity and then down to the Neolithic when inventions were on hike since then time has passed by and man’s imagination has touched the zenith, they discovered new galaxies and a new planet to inhibit for the sustenance of mankind.
The concept of humanity is very simple but at the same time it’s inherently complex. Putting a few part and making a machine is a part of engineering but at the same time making a machine more like a human is complex. A human is very exceptional being, due to the varied characteristics they inhibit. The change in opinions, the emotional swings, the feeling of various relationships, the feel of love and the feel of hate, a selfless character or a selfish one, Man has always been a complex design but sooner they say we will have our days of transformers when we will have excellent artificial intelligence developers to develop every emotion and to make a robot LIKE human. A day will come when we will find more of machines on the road, when we no more need maids in our house to cook or clean, when we no more need security and when we will have bigger wars to fight. 
As the time passes buy we think what should be done because if machine replace human then there will be no more existence of humanity on this earth so we have two options either we shift to mars and leave our planet or we control our skills and be less ambitious (which is not at all possible).
” Why are we fighting to save human they are primitive and violent race”-TRANSFORMER                    
 Are we primitive and are we violent is a question to discuss because the fact being if we are primitive can we create these huge infrastructures and if we are violent do you think we can still be alive . It’s difficult to perhaps model out what human is, human is a creator but is that a prominent answer for what human is because in here come the concept of religion that God is the creator. There has always been a lot of slaughtering before on dealing with religion and invention so we will not bring them up in this discussion. But as per the fact it is really difficult to understand and rather believe that polymath’s like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Galileo and many more the earth produced were the reasons we advanced technologically, human mind is beyond any limit. It surpasses any machine, because these are the same hands that made the machine. Bible says “A slave can never be greater than his master.” and so is it. But at the same time we cannot deny flawless and accurate work or these machines.
It is very difficult to add few numbers without the calculator, and forget that how many of us actually know how to calculate the value of log.  Computers have become a part of us and our lives, we feels empty without it, because it acts like an API for connecting to everyone, how much social life we are left with? If we do something amusing the first thing is to tell the world by posing it online. But yet we love being with it. I don’t deny that we will have a time of transformers soon but at the same time I want to ask you are you ready for it? Are you ready to face the consequences of whatever happens? Are you ready to take the responsibility?

Friday 12 June 2015


Christ also known as Jesus  is the central figure of Christianity  and so the followers of Christ are called Christians . Christians are the people who have their beliefs and faith in Jesus and they worship him .

Name Jesus originates from a Latin form of Greek name  Ἰησοῦς (Iēsous)  an interpretation of the Hebrew Yeshua  (ישוע) .
where as Christ comes from Ancient Greek Χριστός,  Christós   meaning anointed is a translation of Hebrew word מָשִׁיחַ (Māšîaḥand the Syriacܡܫܝܚܐ (M'shiha), the Messiahand is used as a title for Jesus in the New Testament.

Jesus (7–2 BC to 30–33 AD) is regarded as the awaited "messiah" . A messiah you will come and save us all .But save us from what?  Why Do WE Require A Messiah?He was the son of God ,but why did God send his only son for us?  There are a lot of questions that rise up in our hearts and minds . Why did a sinless man die for us? 
When God created the Earth and all the living beings , 
God also created Adam and Eve(Genesis 1-27) in his own likeness. And He said it was good, because it was good. Everything was perfect and good .
 But since when Adam and eve disobeyed God ,Cane killed Able - God has seen a lot of hatred in human heart.
He has seen a lot of sin around , a lot of Killing,stealing ,  lust,covert,anger and it was too much for him to take it and so God destroyed the  Earth saving each pair of animals and birds and every other living creature and it was done by the man named Noah . A new beginning for Noah descendants came into existence a chance to restore relationship between God and Man .And then was born a man who would listen to God's words and follow him and have faith in him it was Abraham . Abraham was asked  to leave his land and go to the promise land , God promised him that he will be father of many nations and He  will give him descendants as numerous as the stars all people will be blessed though him. And so he did and he had to prove his Faith again and again.

Nearly 400 years after Abraham  famine forced the Israelites to go from promise land to Egypt and there they were enslaved by Pharaoh. And God  choose Moses , for He would set his people free.

God sent Ten plagues to change Pharaoh minds but he denied every time. God will keep on doing it until Pharaoh breaks and by the final plague in which every first born son will die but Israelites were spared.
And Moses freed them from the Pharaoh by parting the waters  .Moses leads the Israelites to mount Sinai where god first spoke to him. And God gives laws to Moses written in stone - THE TEN COMMANDMENTS.


Joshua witnessed to the covenant and now He leads the people to inherit the Land. God made Moses to parts water but Joshua parted land.
March around the city once a day with all the armed men do this for  six days carry Gods Commandments. on seventh day march around the city for seven times and priests should make a loud sound with the trumpet and all people should make a large sound and glory will come. And the Jericho was undertaken by Joshua.
Hundred years after Joshua came Samson , Samuel(prophet) and many more to get rid of Palestinian but still it was not enough.

Then came in a new Era of KINGS , A King selected by God . And the first king of Israel was Saul. He was anointed by Prophet Samuel . But no man is good enough to rule god's kingdom. And so he to disobeyed the lord and his kingdom torn apart and then came in David the next King of Israel he was too anointed by Samuel. David battles with Palestinian for decade , He becomes a warrior and a leader and the next King. But for him also it was difficult to follow Gods commandments.
After him many kings and prophets came one of them was Daniel who after decades in exile took people back to their home .
Now Romans undertake Israel , and Israel suffers like never before.  

And then comes Jesus who is the king .
He is the son of God.
God's message to us through His Only begotten Son John 3:16-17: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.”.

This was a little bit about Christianity - about Jesus Christ The son Of God Our Saviour