Tuesday 15 September 2015


Getting back to the Paleolithic age when man existed but not humanity and then down to the Neolithic when inventions were on hike since then time has passed by and man’s imagination has touched the zenith, they discovered new galaxies and a new planet to inhibit for the sustenance of mankind.
The concept of humanity is very simple but at the same time it’s inherently complex. Putting a few part and making a machine is a part of engineering but at the same time making a machine more like a human is complex. A human is very exceptional being, due to the varied characteristics they inhibit. The change in opinions, the emotional swings, the feeling of various relationships, the feel of love and the feel of hate, a selfless character or a selfish one, Man has always been a complex design but sooner they say we will have our days of transformers when we will have excellent artificial intelligence developers to develop every emotion and to make a robot LIKE human. A day will come when we will find more of machines on the road, when we no more need maids in our house to cook or clean, when we no more need security and when we will have bigger wars to fight. 
As the time passes buy we think what should be done because if machine replace human then there will be no more existence of humanity on this earth so we have two options either we shift to mars and leave our planet or we control our skills and be less ambitious (which is not at all possible).
” Why are we fighting to save human they are primitive and violent race”-TRANSFORMER                    
 Are we primitive and are we violent is a question to discuss because the fact being if we are primitive can we create these huge infrastructures and if we are violent do you think we can still be alive . It’s difficult to perhaps model out what human is, human is a creator but is that a prominent answer for what human is because in here come the concept of religion that God is the creator. There has always been a lot of slaughtering before on dealing with religion and invention so we will not bring them up in this discussion. But as per the fact it is really difficult to understand and rather believe that polymath’s like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Galileo and many more the earth produced were the reasons we advanced technologically, human mind is beyond any limit. It surpasses any machine, because these are the same hands that made the machine. Bible says “A slave can never be greater than his master.” and so is it. But at the same time we cannot deny flawless and accurate work or these machines.
It is very difficult to add few numbers without the calculator, and forget that how many of us actually know how to calculate the value of log.  Computers have become a part of us and our lives, we feels empty without it, because it acts like an API for connecting to everyone, how much social life we are left with? If we do something amusing the first thing is to tell the world by posing it online. But yet we love being with it. I don’t deny that we will have a time of transformers soon but at the same time I want to ask you are you ready for it? Are you ready to face the consequences of whatever happens? Are you ready to take the responsibility?

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