Is Machine replacing man?
While in 19th
century computer came into existence , the purpose of computers was yet
unknown. It was a machine used for computations, later it was a machine that
not only did complex calculations but also stored data, and ever since then the
field of computer science is booming. And now when we talk about the flourish
of technology in 21st century we talking about Automation,
Descriptive and predictive systems, also
image processing and many other fields of machine learning and on a whole
Artificial intelligence. There was a time when a bunch of people sat in a room
and did data entry and that was quite a rigorous task, but now it is done by
machines , and yes it saves a lot of time and manual efforts, and somehow is
also unerring. I recently did a project on automating a website, and it saved
up to four hours of manual data entry per day. Well, isn’t that amazing? That
night I sat and I was thinking soon I see a lot of computers around me than people. Well, I believe that if we keep
on going at this pace soon there will be machines building machines. There will
be machine who will know things better and have knowledge far more than a man
can possess. But what you think people like us will do then?
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