Thursday 23 April 2015



While I was walking down the ro       But where is my home was the only unanswered question till date …
ad in solitude I realize I have walked too far… its time to go back home…        
I have been quite a traveller, left home early because I was never wanted their,was earning since 14 and earning really good , I understood the world well and can well interpret its working.   So now I am on my voyage to find a better world  and a home.
What was the last time I ate? oh  it has been 3 days  … Okay and what was I doing for 3 days I guess was trying to write a solution to the quintic equation, okay  that’s enough for me lets get something to eat before my solutions end up in this corner . I get up  dust my self off and like a gentlemen I walk down the corridor towards the mess to grab some food. While I walked I saw a bunch of kids running around I guess they were playing  yes when I was young I played a lot with my brother we used to run around  carefree until dusk, I remember our mother calling us come inside and clean yourself up.. dinner is ready.. coming back to reality I started moving towards the mess , I felt sad very sad because I loved them all and I never wanted to leave them… then I looked up and said they don’t need me any more , and I walked I reached the mess and took a plate while taking the plate I looked at my hands they became as black as coal because of the ink , I remember how my mother made me wash my hands once I was back in the house , I told myself what was wrong with me today it had been 15 long years to have heard from my family and why today I was reminded of everything ? If this goes on it will be tough for me to live ! I have to stop it, I took the plate and took some bread and butter  and a muffin and some black coffee.. I went and sat near the window from where I got a good  view and watched outside as I had my breakfast . I was completely mesmerized at the creation of God …  okay I am full lets get back to work I am quite refreshed now , walking back to the room I thought how I was insulted and thought to be a useless person  … how I was laughed upon when I fumbled I was a disgrace to my family its good that I walked away, Now I am teaching mathematics because I have always been good with numbers , who thought I can do so many things , i don’t even know that my parents know about it or not , but it hardly makes a difference … I reached back in the room and layed down on the bed and started thinking of all that happened with me in these 15 years .
 I remember when my father slapped me in front of a huge gathering when I was accused of stealing . My father is a Political man, has a big name in the city, people respect him a lot, and my mother is a housewife  who loves to cook and is a perfect hostess. Why was i accused of stealing when I did nothing?                                                                                  I was a very shy boy was always into my books and theories , studied in one of the finest schools I never spoke much but heard a lot , my Father wanted me to be like him but I was never interested in all that stuff , I always wanted to be a mathematician by the age of 12 I published my first paper in group theory  and I was sure about my bright future but things started being a bit different once I started growing and then I left home.
I started my work on my own in the starting many days I slept on the platform and cried remembering the cosy bed but I became strong thinking of what I did was good … the last paper which I wrote made me famous and I got a lot of offers of teaching and I went for Cambridge worked there for  10 good years and now I take a break to find a better life…
In this span of time I met a women. A face that  I cannot forget, She was perfect  …  had the most beautiful eyes I had every seen and when she laughed oh I’ll  laugh along with her , she was so beautiful . I met her for the first time when I was having coffee and she entered in the coffee shop and I looked at her and I fell for her she was magnificent.  the Café was all packed she looked around for a place  then she saw me and asked me if she could join , oh I was totally speechless my heart trembled some how I said yes of course please sit.She sat with me …oh I just couldn’t take my eyes of her face I tried to stop but my senses lost their control  I was hesitant but somehow I managed to ask her “what’s your name?” she said,” Arabella” ,oh that a beautiful name I  said ,”and yours?” she asked ” Colton” i replied and she smiled . All I was thinking was Arabella weds Colton sounds so good. The perfume she wore I could smell it  and it was making me mad for her. I was so lost that she asked me something and I was thinking about our future , she again asked sir so what do you do for your living ,getting back to my senses I replied I am a professor , I teach mathematics she was well impressed , we started having a good chat and then she said she needs to go and so did I , I accompanied her to her place and bid her farewell it was one of the most beautiful day of my life, After that we met almost everyday in the evening after my classes were over . We both fell in love , And  one day I proposed her an I knew she would say a yes and so she did we decided to get married , I talked to her father and everything was set and we got married , I so loved her  . everything was beyond perfect but I had no problem because I loved it that way. One evening when I came back home I found she was not there but just a Note saying:“I cannot do this any more ,I am leaving.”
For a moment I did not understand what just happened what did I do? Rushing back to her house I asked for her she wasn’t there I searched for her everywhere but I couldn’t find her. My life went back to the same place where it started . I was all depressed I just wanted to know why she left me ? what was my fault? did I love her too much? I wanted to know. One year went by I did not hear from here, I tried to stop thinking about here but I couldn’t she was always on my mind. one evening I thought of going to the Café I sat lone and had my coffee while I had it I saw her outside with a man who was known to me he was taught philosophy , I got up from my seat and went out and stood right next to her and asked “Where had been?” she was terrified and she fumbled she hardly could say anything . The man said  “some issues sir ? The women you talk to is my wife”, I was surprised as I looked at her I dint know what to say I walked away and now I lie on this bed don’t know what fate will brings  me next….
To be continued…

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